.. _configure-hsm: ====================================== Configure an HSM for use with debusine ====================================== After :ref:`setting up a signing worker `, you may want to attach a hardware security module (HSM) to provide additional protection for some keys. Debusine supports any HSM that you can interact with using `PKCS #11 `__, but we have currently only tested it with `YubiHSM 2 `__ devices. The remainder of this document describes how to set up a YubiHSM 2 for use with Debusine; it may be possible to adapt the same ideas for other devices. Install packages needed to use the YubiHSM 2 ============================================ These packages can be installed from ``bookworm-backports`` or newer (including ``trixie``): .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install \ libengine-pkcs11-openssl p11-kit-modules \ yubihsm-connector yubihsm-pkcs11 yubihsm-shell Decide on a key policy ====================== The YubiHSM 2 user guide has some advice on `initial provisioning and deployment `__, which you should consider. You may wish to have a "management" authentication key with a strong password held offline which you can use to change the key policy later, and as an escape hatch in case you make a mistake. If so, note that the default authentication key shipped with the device has a weak password; either that key must be removed or its password must be changed. Debusine currently only supports using "static" PKCS #11 signing keys: that is, keys that have been pre-generated on the HSM and that can then be registered for use by Debusine. (In future, we may support dynamic key generation as well.) Debusine-specific keys should be kept within their own `domain `__, to allow using the HSM for other purposes. Debusine additionally needs an authentication key that it can use to connect to the HSM and make signatures. This should have a strong password, but the password will need to be made available to ``debusine-signing.service``. This key must have enough `capabilities `__ and `delegated capabilities `__ to allow making use of signing keys. A useful set of capabilities is: * ``delete-asymmetric-key`` * ``generate-asymmetric-key`` * ``put-asymmetric-key`` * ``sign-attestation-certificate`` * ``sign-ecdsa`` * ``sign-eddsa`` * ``sign-pkcs`` * ``sign-pss`` * ``export-wrapped`` * ``import-wrapped`` And a useful set of delegated capabilities is: * ``sign-ecdsa`` * ``sign-eddsa`` * ``sign-pkcs`` * ``sign-pss`` * ``exportable-under-wrap`` For `backup `__ purposes, it is wise to use "wrap keys" which allow exporting keys "under wrap" in such a way that they can be imported into devices possessing the same wrap key. You should have a management wrap key that allows backing up and restoring all exportable keys on the device. There should also be a wrap key that ``debusine-signing`` can use to export keys in its own domain: this is part of our plan for supporting more keys than the HSM supports, so it will eventually become a requirement. Although the YubiHSM itself `supports passwords from 8 to 64 bytes long `__, in practice the userspace stack `currently imposes a maximum length of 27 bytes `__. You can use ``yubihsm-shell`` to create the various keys involved. The ``put authkey``, ``put wrapkey``, ``generate wrapkey``, and ``put asymmetric`` commands are especially useful here. You should keep a record of the script you followed and the resulting key IDs for later reference. For each key, you will need its corresponding certificate (public key). If you imported an externally-generated key into the HSM, then you should already have its certificate. Otherwise, you can use the ``attest asymmetric`` command in ``yubihsm-shell`` to generate one. Configure ``debusine-signing`` to use the HSM ============================================= #. The ``yubihsm-connector`` package provides an HTTP daemon that passes through requests to the USB device. Some tools need to be pointed to the connector's URL. Create a ``/etc/yubihsm_pkcs11.conf`` file (the exact path is not important as long as ``debusine-signing`` can read it) with the following contents: .. code-block:: ini connector = #. Create the ``/etc/systemd/system/debusine-signing.service.d`` directory and create ``/etc/systemd/system/debusine-signing.service.d/override.conf`` with the following contents, where the path is the same as that of the file you created in the previous step: .. code-block:: [Service] Environment=YUBIHSM_PKCS11_CONF=/etc/yubihsm_pkcs11.conf #. Assemble the PIN to be used by Debusine. This consists of its authentication key ID as a four-character hexadecimal string, followed by the actual password: for example, key ID 5 with password ``secretpw`` would become ``0005secretpw``. #. Encrypt this PIN for use by systemd (this must be run as root). Note the use of the ``systemd-ask-password -n`` option to ensure that the PIN does not end with a newline character: .. code-block:: console # systemd-ask-password -n | systemd-creds encrypt --name=yubihsm-pin -p - - \ >>/etc/systemd/system/debusine-signing.service.d/override.conf .. _register-uefi-hsm-key: Register a UEFI signing key stored in the HSM ============================================= #. Use ``YUBIHSM_PKCS11_CONF=/etc/yubihsm_pkcs11.conf p11-kit list-modules`` to find the base PKCS #11 URI for the HSM. This will be in the ``uri:`` line under ``module: yubihsm_pkcs11``. You may drop the ``manufacturer`` and ``token`` fields; ``model`` and ``serial`` should be sufficient to uniquely identify the device. #. Append ``;pin-source=/run/credentials/debusine-signing.service/yubihsm-pin`` so that ``debusine-signing`` uses the PIN for its authentication key. #. Append ``;id=KEY-ID``, where ``KEY-ID`` is the ID of the relevant signing key as a four-character hexadecimal string. #. Ensure that the ``/etc/debusine/signing/certificates`` directory exists and write the key's certificate to ``/etc/debusine/signing/certificates/KEY-NAME.crt`` (for some appropriate identifier ``KEY-NAME``), #. Register the key with ``debusine-signing`` as follows, where ``KEY-URI`` is the URI assembled in the previous steps: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-signing debusine-signing register_pkcs11_static_key \ uefi KEY-URI /etc/debusine/signing/certificates/KEY-NAME.crt \ 'some description of the new key' #. Create a :ref:`debusine:signing-key asset ` corresponding to the new key: .. code-block:: console $ debusine create-asset --workspace System --data - <