.. _set-up-debusine-client: ====================== Set up debusine-client ====================== Introduction ------------ Install the ``debusine-client`` package which provides the ``debusine`` command. If needed configure APT with the appropriate :ref:`package repository `. The :ref:`debusine command ` is used, among other things, to submit work requests to the Debusine server and to look into the status of the requests. Initial setup ------------- The debusine client needs the Debusine server URL and an enabled token for the server (see :ref:`create-api-token`). #. Create the directory for the ``config.ini`` file: .. code-block:: console $ mkdir --parents "$HOME/.config/debusine/client" #. Copy the example ``config.ini`` file to this directory: .. code-block:: console $ cp /usr/share/doc/debusine-client/examples/config.ini "$HOME/.config/debusine/client/" #. Edit the ``config.ini`` file: .. code-block:: console $ editor "$HOME/.config/debusine/client/config.ini" #. Rename ``[server:localhost]`` to ``[server:server_name]`` and set ``default-server = server_name``. The Debusine client supports multiple servers, one of which is a default server. It is possible to specify to which server the Debusine client connects using the argument ``--server NAME``. #. Set the ``api-url`` and ``token``. Test the configuration ---------------------- Run the following command to ensure that the debusine client can successfully authenticate with the server: .. code-block:: console $ echo "result: true" | debusine create-work-request noop result: success message: Work request registered on https://debusine.example.org/api with id 1. work_request_id: 1 If you don't see ``result: success``, then you likely have done something wrong. If the output doesn't clearly tell you what went wrong, you can rerun the command with ``--debug`` to have more details. You can also check the debusine server logs to see if an error has been reported.