.. _set-up-debusine-server: ======================== Set up a debusine server ======================== Introduction ------------ The debusine server waits for workers to connect and receives work requests from the clients. When a work request is received by the server it tries to match a worker for it and sends the work request to the worker. .. _initial-setup-debusine-server: Initial setup ------------- Install the ``debusine-server`` package. All its dependencies are available on Debian 12 'bookworm'. .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install debusine-server If needed configure APT with the appropriate :ref:`package repository `. To know what the package does during installation see the :ref:`What the package does on installation ` section. Follow the steps below to finalize the set-up: #. By default, the package is configured to use a PostgreSQL database using the default local Unix socket and the authentication is done at the user level. The package creates a "debusine-server" Unix account. Create a "debusine" database that can be managed by the "debusine-server" user. This can be done with: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install postgresql redis # if you need to install Postgresql/redis $ sudo -u postgres createuser debusine-server $ sudo -u postgres createdb --owner debusine-server debusine The database configuration can be edited in ``/etc/debusine/server/db_postgresql.py`` . #. Debusine server has many configuration options. Review the documentation in ``/etc/debusine/server/*``. If you need to use your own local settings instead of the default ones create a ``local.py`` file: .. code-block:: console $ sudo cp -i /etc/debusine/server/local.py.sample \ /etc/debusine/server/local.py And edit the file ``/etc/debusine/server/local.py``. Note that you can choose which type of settings are running. By default, ``selected.py`` is a symbolic link to ``production.py``, but this can be changed to ``development.py``. #. Initialize the database: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin migrate #. Commands can be issued to the server, for example: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_tokens To see the list of commands: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin help The debusine specific commands are under the ``[server]`` section. #. Configure a webserver (see below for details on how to use Nginx with the default setup of debusine-server using daphne). You can run ``sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin info`` to check that Debusine server configuration matches the expectations of your web server setup. Debusine server commands ------------------------ ``debusine-server`` package provides the command ``debusine-admin``. In the default configuration it is needed to run the command using the ``debusine-server`` user. The main reason is the default authentication for the ``debusine`` PostgreSQL database. A secondary reason are the permissions of the log files: only writable by ``debusine-server`` command. To see the list of commands: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin It will list all the ``debusine-admin`` commands and the Debusine specific ones. The Debusine specific commands are under the ``[server]`` section:: [server] create_notification_channel create_token create_user delete_expired_artifacts delete_notification_channel delete_tokens edit_worker_metadata list_notification_channels list_tokens list_users list_work_requests list_workers manage_notification_channel manage_user manage_worker monthly_cleanup You can see the command specific help using ``--help``, for example: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin create_token --help The section :ref:`debusine-admin command ` has documentation for each command. .. _testing-sending-emails: Testing sending emails ---------------------- ``debusine-server`` can send emails when certain events happen. For example, if a work request fails, it can send an email to notify the user that there is a problem. By default, ``debusine-server`` uses the local MTA. To test if it can send, execute the command: .. code-block:: console $ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin sendtestemail destination@example.com If the email is not delivered: check ``/var/log/debusine/server/`` files and read the next section for the email settings. .. _smtp-configuration: Configuration for sending emails -------------------------------- Enable the ``local.py`` settings file if not done before: .. code-block:: console $ # if you have not enabled using local.py before: $ cp -i /etc/debusine/server/local.py.sample /etc/debusine/server/local.py By default, Django, sends emails using the local MTA. You can use any SMTP server. For example, edit ``/etc/debusine/server/local.py`` and add: .. code-block:: python3 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "noreply@example.com" EMAIL_HOST = "smtp.example.com" EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER = "user" EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "the_password" EMAIL_USE_TLS = True More settings are available in the `Django documentation email settings`_. See the section :ref:`testing sending emails ` to send a test email. When the test email works: restart debusine-server so the new settings are applied: .. code-block: console $ sudo systemctl restart debusine-server Configuration with Nginx ------------------------ The package provides a ``debusine-server.service`` unit for systemd that will run Daphne (HTTP/HTTP2/WebSocket protocol server) and make Debusine available on ``/var/lib/debusine/server/daphne.sock`` . There is also a ready-to-use Nginx virtual host pointing to the ``daphne.sock`` file to make it available. #. Install (or create) the Nginx configuration. ``debusine-server`` package provides an example: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install nginx $ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/debusine-server/examples/nginx-vhost.conf \ /etc/nginx/sites-available/debusine.example.net Change the variable "server_name" by the correct one. For testing, if the only "site-available" in Nginx is debusine the default ``localhost`` can be left. It is possible to access debusine via IP. Otherwise edit the file: .. code-block:: console $ sudo editor /etc/nginx/sites-available/debusine.example.net Search for "server_name" and change its value. #. Enable the Nginx configuration for the Debusine server: .. code-block:: console $ sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/debusine.example.net /etc/nginx/sites-enabled When setting up a new server, the default Nginx server configuration may need to be deleted: .. code-block:: console $ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default #. Restart Nginx: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl restart nginx #. If the server's hostname does not match the HTTP VirtualHost, set DEBUSINE_FQDN in debusine settings: .. code-block:: console $ # if you have not enabled using local.py before: $ sudo cp -i /etc/debusine/server/local.py.sample /etc/debusine/server/local.py $ # Then edit the file $ sudo editor /etc/debusine/server/local.py Set the ``DEBUSINE_FQDN`` to your VirtualHost. (for testing, you could have a line such as: ``ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]``, but do not use it in production) #. Restart to apply the new settings: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl restart debusine-server #. Verify that Debusine's welcome page loads on ``http://your_server`` (by name or IP). If the welcome page cannot be loaded please check ``/var/log/debusine/server`` and ``/var/log/nginx``. .. _what-debusine-server-package-does-on-installation: What the package does on installation ------------------------------------- * Creates the ``debusine-server`` user * Collects static files in ``/var/lib/debusine/server/static/`` (to do this manually: ``sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin collectstatic``) * Provides ready-to-customize configuration files for Nginx/daphne (in ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/debusine-server``) * Installs a systemd service (``debusine-server.service``) that uses Daphne to make the Debusine server available on ``/var/lib/debusine/server/daphne.sock`` * Creates the directories ``/var/log/debusine/server`` and ``/var/lib/debusine-server`` * Install a systemd timer unit to run monthly ``debusine-admin monthly_cleanup``. (see it using ``systemctl list-timers``, disable it for the next boot via ``systemctl disable debusine-server-monthly-cleanup.timer`` or stop it now ``systemctl stop debusine-server-monthly-cleanup.timer``). .. _Django documentation email settings: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#email-host