.. _task-update-suite-lintian-collection: UpdateSuiteLintianCollection task --------------------------------- This task implements the :ref:`update-derived-collection-task` interface, updating a derived :ref:`debian:suite-lintian collection ` from a base :ref:`debian-suite collection `. All active items in both collections are considered relevant. Given a base ``debian:binary-package`` artifact with an architecture other than ``all``, a derived item with the name ``{srcpkg_name}_{srcpkg_version}_{architecture}`` is desired. Given a base ``debian:source-package`` artifact or for a base ``debian:binary-package`` artifact with ``Architecture: all``, derived items with the names ``{srcpkg_name}_{srcpkg_version}_{architecture}`` are desired for the following values of ``architecture``: * ``source`` (only for a source package artifact with no corresponding binary package artifacts) * ``all`` * each architecture where another base ``debian:binary-package`` artifact exists for the same source package name and version The child work requests are for :ref:`Lintian tasks `, with the following ``task_data`` in addition to anything specified in this task's ``child_task_data``: * ``input``: * ``source_artifact`` (:ref:`lookup-single`): the relevant ``debian:source-package`` artifact in the base collection * ``binary_artifacts`` (:ref:`lookup-multiple`): a list of the relevant ``debian:binary-package`` artifacts in the base collection Each child work request has an event reaction as follows, where ``{derived_collection}`` is the ``derived_collection`` from this task's data: .. code-block:: yaml on_success: - action: "update-collection-with-artifacts" artifact_filters: category: "debian:lintian" collection: {derived_collection}