
Collections are abstract aggregates of artifacts/collections/data. To be able to make meaningful use of the system, they need to be assigned categories documenting their intended use case.

The Ontology of collections section documents the existing categories and what you can expect from collections of each category. The allowed collection items, the structure of the metadata, the supported lookups, they all depend on the category of the collection.

Data models

Collections have the following properties:

  • category: a string identifier indicating the structure of additional data; see the ontology

  • name: the name of the collection

  • workspace: defines access control and file storage for this collection; at present, all artifacts in the collection must be in the same workspace

  • full_history_retention_period, metadata_only_retention_period: optional time intervals to configure the retention of items in the collection after removal; see Collection items for details

Each item in a collection is a combination of some metadata and an optional reference to an artifact or another collection. The permitted categories for the artifact or collection are limited depending on the category of the containing collection. The metadata is as follows:

  • category: the category of the artifact or collection, copied for ease of lookup and to preserve history. For bare-data items, this category is the reference value (it doesn’t duplicate any other field).

  • name: a name identifying the item, which will normally be derived automatically from some of its properties; only one item with a given name and an unset removal timestamp (i.e. an active item) may exist in any given collection

  • key-value data indicating additional properties of the item in the collection, stored as a JSON-encoded dictionary with a structure depending on the category of the collection; this data can:

    • provide additional data related to the item itself

    • provide additional data related to the associated artifact in the context of the collection (e.g. overrides for packages in suites)

    • override some artifact metadata in the context of the collection (e.g. vendor/codename of system tarballs)

    • duplicate some artifact metadata, to make querying easier and to preserve it as history even after the associated artifact has been expired (e.g. architecture of system tarballs)

  • audit log fields for changes in the item’s state:

    • timestamp (created_at), user (created_by_user), and workflow (created_by_workflow) for when it was created

    • timestamp (removed_at), user (removed_by_user), and workflow (removed_by_workflow) for when it was removed

This metadata may be retained even after a linked artifact has been expired (see Collection items). This means that it is sometimes useful to design collection items to copy some basic information, such as package names and versions, from their linked artifacts for use when inspecting history.

The same artifact or collection may be present more than once in the same containing collection, with different properties. For example, this is useful when debusine needs to use the same artifact in more than one similar situation, such as a single system tarball that should be used for builds for more than one suite.

A collection may impose additional constraints on the items it contains, depending on its category. Some constraints may apply only to active items, while some may apply to all items. If a collection contains another collection, all relevant constraints are applied recursively.

Collections can be compared: for example, a collection of outputs of QA tasks can be compared with the collection of inputs to those tasks, making it easy to see which new tasks need to be scheduled to stay up to date.

Updating collections

The purpose of some tasks is to update a collection. Those tasks must ensure that anything else looking at the collection always sees a consistent state, satisfying whatever invariants are defined for that collection. In most cases it is sufficient to ensure that the task does all its updates within a single database transaction. This may be impractical for some long-running tasks, and they might need to break up the updates into chunks instead; in such cases they must still be careful that the state of the collection at each transaction boundary is consistent.

To support automated QA at the scale of a distribution, some collections are derived automatically from other collections, and there are special arrangements for keeping those collections up to date. See Derived collections.

Collection items lookup

Items in collections may be looked up using various names, depending on the category. These names are analogous to URL routing in web applications (and indeed could be used by debusine’s URL routing, as well as when inspecting the collection directly): a name resolves to at most one item at a time, and an item may be accessible via more than one name. The existence of multiple “lookup names” that resolve to an item does not imply duplicates of that item or any associated artifacts.

All collections support a generic name:NAME lookup, which returns the active item whose name is equal to NAME.

Data and per-item data key names are used in pydantic models, and must therefore be valid Python identifiers.

Singleton collections

Some collections are tightly associated with workspaces in such a way that it makes sense to have exactly one of them per workspace. For example, debusine:task-history retains information about old work requests, and is more likely to provide useful statistical information if it’s used consistently and automatically rather than needing to be referenced manually. Such collections are referred to as “singletons”: each workspace has at most one of each of them, normally created when the workspace is created, and tasks can look them up implicitly rather than needing them to be specified explicitly in task data.

Collections gain a constraint that their names may not normally begin with an underscore (_). Singleton collections are an exception to this. Instead, collections of these categories must have a name consisting only of a single underscore. The existing constraint requiring collections to be unique by name, category, and workspace then ensures that at most one such collection may exist in any given workspace.

It is possible to refer to singleton collections using the existing lookup syntax, e.g. _@debusine:task-history; this is useful in contexts such as event reactions. A single underscore is valid as a URL segment without being intrusive, so this works well when browsing collections through the web interface. Tasks should normally look up these collections implicitly rather than having task data items for them. The existing inheritance logic falls back to parent workspaces if a singleton collection does not exist in a given workspace.

The default System workspace has singleton collections. Any new workspace has them by default too, but there are options to disable their creation.

The following collection categories are singletons:

Derived collections

To support automated QA at the scale of a distribution, some collections are derived automatically from other collections. For example, the collection of Lintian output for a suite would be derived automatically by running a Lintian task on each of the packages in the corresponding debian:suite collection. Such collections have additional information to allow keeping track of what work needs to be done to keep them up to date:

  • Per-item data:

    • derived_from: a list of the internal collection item IDs from which this item was derived

Implementations of the UpdateDerivedCollection task use this information to keep such derived collections up to date.

Ontology of collections

Category debian:archive

This collection represents a Debian archive (a.k.a. repository).

  • Variables when adding items: none

  • Data:

    • may_reuse_versions: if true, versions of packages in this archive may be reused provided that the previous packages with that version have been removed; this should be false for typical user-facing archives to avoid confusing behaviour from apt, but it may be useful to set it to true for experimental archives

  • Valid items:

    • debian:suite collections

  • Per-item data: none

  • Lookup names:

    • name:NAME: the suite whose name property is NAME

    • source-version:NAME_VERSION: the source package named NAME at VERSION.

    • binary-version:NAME_VERSION_ARCHITECTURE: the set of binary packages on ARCHITECTURE whose srcpkg_name property is NAME and whose version property is VERSION.

  • Constraints:

    • there may be at most one package with a given name and version (and architecture, in the case of binary packages) active in the collection at a given time, although the same package may be in multiple suites

    • each poolified file name resulting from an active artifact may only refer to at most one concrete file in the collection at a given time (this differs from the above constraint in the case of source packages, which contain multiple files that may overlap with other source packages)

    • if may_reuse_versions is false, then each poolified file name in the collection may only refer to at most one concrete file, regardless of whether conflicting files are active or removed

Category debian:suite

This collection represents a single suite in a Debian archive. Its name is the name of the suite.

  • Variables when adding items:

    • component: the component (e.g. main or non-free) in which this package is published

    • section: the section (e.g. python) for this package

    • priority: for binary packages, the priority (e.g. optional) for this package

  • Data:

    • release_fields: dictionary of static fields to set in this suite’s Release file

    • may_reuse_versions: if true, versions of packages in this suite may be reused provided that the previous packages with that version have been removed; this should be false for typical user-facing suites to avoid confusing behaviour from apt, but it may be useful to set it to true for experimental suites

  • Valid items:

    • debian:source-package artifacts

    • debian:binary-package artifacts

    • debian:suite-signing-keys collections

  • Per-item data:

    • srcpkg_name: for binary packages, the name of the corresponding source package (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • srcpkg_version: for binary packages, the version of the corresponding source package (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • package: the name from the package’s Package: field (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • version: the version of the package (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • architecture: for binary packages, the architecture of the package (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • component: the component (e.g. main or non-free) in which this package is published

    • section: the section (e.g. python) for this package

    • priority: for binary packages, the priority (e.g. optional) for this package

  • Lookup names:

    • source:NAME: the current version of the source package named NAME.

    • source-version:NAME_VERSION: the source package named NAME at VERSION.

    • binary:NAME_ARCHITECTURE the current version of the binary package named NAME on ARCHITECTURE.

    • binary-version:NAME_VERSION_ARCHITECTURE the binary package named NAME at VERSION on ARCHITECTURE.

  • Constraints:

    • there may be at most one package with a given name and version (and architecture, in the case of binary packages) active in the collection at a given time

    • each poolified file name resulting from an active artifact may only refer to at most one concrete file in the collection at a given time (this differs from the above constraint in the case of source packages, which contain multiple files that may overlap with other source packages)

    • if may_reuse_versions is false, then each poolified file name in the collection may only refer to at most one concrete file, regardless of whether conflicting files are active or removed

Category debian:environments


The definition of this category is not yet fully agreed. We’ll revisit it when we’re closer to being able to try out an implementation so that we can see how the lookup mechanisms will work.

This collection represents a group of debian:system-tarball and/or debian:system-image artifacts, such as the tarballs used by build daemons across each suite and architecture.

In the short term, there will be one debian:environments collection per distribution vendor with the collection name set to the name of the vendor (e.g. “debian”), so that it can be looked up by the vendor’s name. This is subject to change.

  • Variables when adding items:

    • codename (optional): set the distribution version codename for this environment (defaults to the codename that the artifact was built for)

    • variant (optional): identifier indicating what kind of tarball or image this is; for example, an image optimized for use with autopkgtest might have its variant set to “autopkgtest”

    • backend (optional): name of the debusine backend that this tarball or image is intended to be used by

  • Data: none

  • Valid items:

    • debian:system-tarball artifacts

    • debian:system-image artifacts

  • Per-item data:

    • codename: codename of the distribution version (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history, but may be overridden to reuse the same tarball for another distribution version)

    • architecture: architecture name (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup and to preserve history)

    • variant: an optional identifier indicating what kind of tarball or image this is; for example, an image optimized for use with autopkgtest might have its variant set to “autopkgtest”

    • backend: optional name of the debusine backend that this tarball or image is intended to be used by

  • Lookup names:

    • Names beginning with match: look up current artifacts based on various properties; if more than one matching item is found then the most recently-added one is returned. The remainder of the name is a colon-separated list of filters on per-item data, as follows:

      • format=tarball: return only debian:system-tarball artifacts

      • format=image: return only debian:system-image artifacts

      • codename=CODENAME

      • architecture=ARCHITECTURE

      • variant=VARIANT (variant= without an argument matches items with no variant)

      • backend=BACKEND

  • Constraints:

    • there may be at most one active tarball or image respectively with a given vendor, codename, variant and architecture at a given time

Category debian:suite-lintian

This derived collection represents a group of debian:lintian artifacts for packages in a debian:suite collection.

Lintian analysis tasks are performed on combinations of source and binary packages together, since that provides the best test coverage. The resulting debian:lintian artifacts are related to all the source and binary artifacts that were used by that task, and each of the items in this collection is recorded as being derived from all the base debian:source-package or debian:binary-package artifacts that were used in building the associated debian:lintian artifact. However, each item in this collection has exactly one architecture (including source and all) in its metadata; as a result, source packages and Architecture: all binary packages may be base items for multiple derived items at once.

Item names are set to {package}_{version}_{architecture}, substituting values from the per-item data described below.

  • Variables when adding items: none

  • Data: none

  • Valid items:

    • debian:lintian artifacts

  • Per-item data:

    • package: the name of the source package being analyzed, or the source package from which the binary package being analyzed was built

    • version: the version of the source package being analyzed, or the source package from which the binary package being analyzed was built

    • architecture: source for a source analysis, or the appropriate architecture name for a binary analysis

  • Lookup names:

    • latest:PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE: the latest analysis for the source package named PACKAGE on ARCHITECTURE.

    • version:PACKAGE_VERSION_ARCHITECTURE: the analysis for the source package named PACKAGE at VERSION on ARCHITECTURE.

  • Constraints:

    • there may be at most one analysis for a given source package name, version, and architecture active in the collection at a given time

For example, given hello_1.0.dsc, hello-doc_1.0_all.deb, hello_1.0_amd64.deb, and hello_1.0_s390x.deb, the following items would exist:

  • hello_1.0_source, with {"package": "hello", "version": "1.0", "architecture": "source"} as per-item data, derived from hello_1.0.dsc and some binary packages

  • hello_1.0_all, with {"package": "hello", "version": "1.0", "architecture": "all"} as per-item data, derived from hello_1.0.dsc`, ``hello-doc_1.0_all.deb, and possibly some other binary packages

  • hello_1.0_amd64, with {"package": "hello", "version": "1.0", "architecture": "amd64"} as per-item data, derived from hello_1.0.dsc, hello-doc_1.0_all.deb, and hello_1.0_amd64.deb

  • hello_1.0_s390x, with {"package": "hello", "version": "1.0", "architecture": "s390x"} as per-item data, derived from hello_1.0.dsc, hello-doc_1.0_all.deb, and hello_1.0_s390x.deb

Category debian:suite-signing-keys

This collection configures the signing keys that are suitable for signing a suite or for signing particular packages in it.

  • Variables when adding items:

    • source_package_name: the source package name that this key is restricted to

  • Data: none

  • Valid items:

    • debusine:signing-key artifacts

  • Per-item data:

    • purpose: the purpose of this key (copied from underlying artifact for ease of lookup)

    • source_package_name: the source package name that this key is restricted to, if any (note that a single key may be added multiple times for different packages)

  • Lookup names:

    • key:PURPOSE: the key with the given purpose and no source_package_name, if any

    • key:PURPOSE_SOURCE: the key with the given purpose and either no source_package_name or one that equals SOURCE, if any (for example, key:uefi_grub2 would return a key suitable for making UEFI signatures of files produced by the grub2 source package in this suite)

  • Constraints:

    • there may be at most one key with a given purpose and source package name (or lack of one) active in the collection at a given time

Category debusine:workflow-internal

This collection stores runtime data of a workflow. Bare items can be used to store arbitrary JSON data, while artifact items can help to share artifacts between all the tasks (and help retain them for long-running workflows).

Items are normally added to this collection using the update-collection-with-artifacts or update-collection-with-data action.

  • Variables when adding items: none; pass an item name instead

  • Data: none

  • Valid items: artifacts of any category

  • Per-item data: structure defined by workflows using the update-collection-with-artifacts or update-collection-with-data event reactions. The variables or data fields respectively are copied into per-item data. Names starting with promise_ are reserved. This allows matching promises or promised artifacts using workflow-defined criteria.

  • Lookup names: only the standard name:NAME lookup


When a workflow is contained within another workflow they share the same internal collection, so that a sub-workflow can access the artifacts produced by its parent workflow


The artifacts referenced through the internal collection should not expire while the workflow is running. But they should be allowed to expire once the workflow expiration delay is over.

This will likely require to be able to flag a collection as not retaining their contained artifacts. And the delete-expired-artifact will thus have to be able to remove artifacts from collections that do not retain their artifacts.

Workflow instances can only expire when their internal collection no longer contains any artifact. Otherwise the workflow instance is kept to facilitate the analysis of (the origin of) artifacts that were created by the workflow.


The whole expiration point needs some redesign, tracked in issue #346

Category debian:package-build-logs

This singleton collection is used to ensure that build logs are retained even when other corresponding artifacts from the same work request have been expired. Build logs are typically small and compress well compared to other artifacts, and if the artifact ended up being distributed to users (for example, a binary package in a distribution) then its build logs are often useful when figuring out what happened in the past. Furthermore, if a task that previously succeeded now fails, then comparing build logs often quickly helps to narrow down the problem.

When a work request that is expected to produce a build log is created, it should use an update-collection-with-data event reaction to add a bare item to this collection, in order that scheduled but incomplete builds can be made visible in views that allow browsing this collection. It should use a corresponding update-collection-with-artifacts event reaction to replace that item with an artifact item when the build log is created. Workflows such as the sbuild workflow are expected to handle the details of this.

Views of this collection that need to filter by things like the result of the work request should join with the WorkRequest table, using the work_request_id entry in the per-item data. (This avoids the extra complexity of keeping this collection up to date with the lifecycle of work requests.)

The collection manager sets item names to {vendor}_{codename}_{architecture}_{srcpkg_name}_{srcpkg_version}_{work_request_id}, computed from the supplied variables.

  • Variables when adding items: see “Per-item data” below

  • Data: none

  • Valid items:

    • debian:package-build-log bare items, indicating builds that have not yet completed

    • debian:package-build-log artifacts; when added, these replace bare items with the same category and item name

  • Per-item data:

    • work_request_id: ID of the work request for this build

    • worker (optional, inferred from work request when adding item): name of the worker that the work request is assigned to

    • vendor: name of the distribution vendor that this package was built for

    • codename: codename of the distribution version that this package was built for

    • architecture: name of the architecture that this package was built for

    • srcpkg_name: name of the source package

    • srcpkg_version: version of the source package

  • Lookup names: none (since this collection is for retention and browsing, we expect that it will normally be queried using the Multiple lookup syntax instead, or by a UI in front of that)

  • Multiple lookup filters:

    • same_work_request: given a Multiple lookup, return conditions matching build logs that were created by the same work request as any of the resulting artifacts

  • Constraints: none