The debusine-admin command

The debusine-admin command is the usual django-admin command of a Django project, but debusine adds many custom management commands that are documented on this page.

This command must be executed on the server while connected as the debusine-server user. For example, to run the command check:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin check

For commands that are currently undocumented, you can still explore their features by using the --help command line option:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata --help

Command output

If a command is successful: nothing is printed and the return code is 0.

Managing workers


The command manage_worker has two actions: enable and disable.

Workers are disabled by default: they do not receive any tasks to run.

To enable a worker find its name or its token using the list_workers command and then enable the worker using the manage_worker. To enable the worker worker-01:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin manage_worker enable worker-01

To disable a worker: use disable instead of enable. When disabling a worker, any work requests assigned to the worker in RUNNING or PENDING status will be de-assigned and assigned to another worker.

Disabling a worker only makes the worker’s token disabled: the worker will not be able to submit any results (the server will reject any communication with HTTP 403) or interact with the server. No attempt is made to stop the worker’s current task.

To stop the running work requests on the worker run in the worker:

$ sudo systemctl stop debusine-worker


A debusine sysadmin can attach static metadata to a worker. To edit the worker metadata for worker-01 you would run:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata worker-01

This launches sensible-editor on a file with the current metadata. The worker metadata is presented (and expected to be formatted) in YAML.


The initial metadata is presented as an empty dictionary ({}). That line should be deleted when you start inputting your own metadata.

When exiting the editor, the worker metadata will be updated with whatever got saved in the edited file (except if the YAML turns out to be invalid).

For non-interactive use, you can store the metadata in a file, and pass that file with --set:

$ cat > /tmp/metadata <<END
- amd64
- i386
$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata worker-01 --set /tmp/metadata
debusine: metadata set for debusine-internal


List workers with information:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_workers
           ╷          ╷                                  ╷                                  ╷                                                                  ╷
 Name      │ Type     │ Registered                       │ Connected                        │ Token hash (do not copy)                                         │ Enabled
 saturn    │ external │ 2024-11-15T13:23:30.200968+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T14:02:30.105791+00:00 │ f299978eb7687291a6149df2b47e91e21891e5a04f2d41363617b2582a81e4ce │ True
 mars      │ external │ 2024-11-16T14:24:31.390558+00:00 │ -                                │ 7cff1b6b968bc2db06aec9cf4557ecc9e6c63356e2ade73c2c47c1d7015214a0 │ True
 mercury   │ external │ 2024-11-17T15:25:32.473994+00:00 │ -                                │ 6eff3aee879ad9c953f8f12bf0fe8544126ec80eab0867aa205413db6fcbeed2 │ False

If a worker is not connected at this time: the Connected column has -. If it’s connected: it has the time that connected.

Workers can be enabled or disabled using the command manage_worker.

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.

Managing users


Users can be created using the create_user command. The password for the new user will be printed.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin create_user john.doe

A user can login on the website and then create tokens to be used by debusine client.

Tokens for a debusine user (to be used by debusine client) can also be created using the command create_token.


Users can be managed using manage_user. To change the email of the john.doe user to

sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin manage_user change-email john.doe


Change the password for a user. The password is asked interactively:

sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin changepassword john.doe


Create a super user. Super users have access to the admin section of debusine-server (currently not used).

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin createsuperuser

The username is asked interactively.


List the users with their email and date_joined.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_users

            ╷                   ╷
 User       │ Email             │ Joined
 john.doe   │  │ 2024-11-12T17:06:55.058340+00:00
            ╵                   ╵

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.

Manage workspaces

Artifacts belong to Workspaces.


This command has several sub-commands.

Note: to make commands easier to be invoked from Ansible, we take care to make them idempotent.

The define (alias: create) sub-command has the options:

  • --private: Make the workspace private (only authenticated users can see the resources in it) (default)

  • --public: Public permissions (non-logged users can see the resources of the workspace)

  • --default-expiration-delay: Minimal time (in days) that a new artifact is kept in the workspace before being expired (default: 30)

  • --no-singleton-collections: Don’t create the usual singleton collections for this workspace (default: create singleton collections)

  • --with-owners-group name: Name of the owners groups for the workspace (required when creating a workspace)

To create a workspace:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace \
    define debian/Debian Owners-debian --default-expiration-delay 10

Workspaces are created Private by default (only registered users can access its resources) and with a 10-days expiration delay.

Also use workspace define to change the permissions or expiry delay.

To change the permissions of the workspace Debian to public, while preserving other parameters:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace define debian/Debian --public

To rename a workspace:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace rename debian/Debian Ubuntu

List the workspaces with information:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspaces list
                 ╷        ╷                                 ╷                    ╷
 Name            │ Public │ Default Expiration Delay (days) │ Default File Store │ # Other File Stores
 debusine/System │ True   │ Never                           │ Default (Local)    │ 0
 debusine/Debian │ False  │ Never                           │ Default (Local)    │ 0
                 ╵        ╵                                 ╵                    ╵

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.

To delete a workspace (and associated resources):


This will delete the entire contents of the workspace. Data not stored elsewhere will be lost. This operation cannot be undone.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace delete debian/Debian
Would you like to delete workspace debian/Debian? [yN] y

You can skip the interactive prompt with --yes.

To grant a new role to one or more groups on a workspace:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace grant_role debian/Debian contributor QA-Team Security-Team

To revoke such roles:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace revoke_role debian/Debian contributor Security-Team

To list roles:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin workspace list_roles debian/Debian

  Group         │ Role
 Owners-debian  │ owner
 QA-Team        │ contributor

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.


Deprecated: see workspace.

Artifacts belong to workspaces. The command has the options:

  • --public: Public permissions (default: private)

  • --default-expiration-delay: Minimal time (in days) that a new artifact is kept in the workspace before being expired (default: 0)

  • --no-singleton-collections: Don’t create the usual singleton collections for this workspace (default: create singleton collections)

  • --with-owners-group [name]: Name of the owners groups for the workspace (optional name defaults to Owners-workspacename)

To create a workspace:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin create_workspace debian/Debian

Workspaces are created Private by default (only registered users can access its resources) and without a default expiration delay. Use manage_workspace to change the permissions or expiry delay.


Deprecated: see workspace.

Change a workspace. The command has the options:

  • --private: make the workspace private (only authenticated users can see the resources in it)

  • --public: non-logged users can see the resources of the workspace

  • --default-expiration-delay [DAYS]: set the default expiration delay for the artifacts that are created in this workspace.

To change the permissions of the workspace Debian to public:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin manage_workspace debian/Debian --public


Deprecated: see workspace.

List the workspaces with information:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_workspaces
                 ╷        ╷                                 ╷                    ╷
 Name            │ Public │ Default Expiration Delay (days) │ Default File Store │ # Other File Stores
 debusine/System │ True   │ Never                           │ Default (Local)    │ 0
 debusine/Debian │ False  │ Never                           │ Default (Local)    │ 0
                 ╵        ╵                                 ╵                    ╵

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.

Manage work requests


List the work requests and its status. Similar information can be displayed using the web interface of debusine.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_work_requests
    ╷                 ╷                                  ╷                                  ╷                                  ╷           ╷
 ID │ Worker          │ Created                          │ Started                          │ Completed                        │ Status    │ Result
 49 │ computer-lan-17 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.251136+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.289533+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.351906+00:00 │ completed │ success
 50 │ computer-lan-18 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.415081+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.446717+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.479520+00:00 │ completed │ success
 51 │ computer-lan-19 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.499152+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.526519+00:00 │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.582989+00:00 │ completed │ success
 52 │ -               │ 2024-11-15T13:37:56.959527+00:00 │ -                                │ -                                │ completed │ success

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.

Manage notification channels


Create a notification channel:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin create_notification_channel Debian-LTS email << EOF
  "from": "",
  "to": [""]

notification channels can be used when creating a work request.

Currently only the type email is implemented.

See Enable notifications for work requests for more information.


To change the name of a notification channel from Debian to Debian-LTS:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin manage_notification_channel change-name Debian Debian-LTS

To change the associated data to the notification channel:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin manage_notification_channel change-data Debian-LTS << EOF
  "from": "",
  "to": [""]


List the notification channels with their information.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_notification_channels

             ╷        ╷
 Name        │ Method │ Data
 Debian-LTS  │ email  │ {'to': [''], 'from': ''}
             ╵        ╵

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.


Deletes a notification channel.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin delete_notification_channel Debian-LTS

Managing tokens


Create a token. Must be associated to a user. The token is printed to the stdout. Users can also create tokens using the web interface.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin create_token john.doe

The tokens created by create_token are enabled by default.

In debusine, there can be tokens that are not associated to users. They are created when a debusine-worker registers to debusine-server.


The command list_tokens lists all tokens by default. It is possible to filter tokens by the owner or the token itself, using the options --owner or --token, for example:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_tokens --owner OWNER
$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin list_tokens --token TOKEN

You can get a machine-readable version of this output with the --yaml option.


Tokens can be removed using the delete_tokens command. By default, it asks for interactive confirmation unless --yes is used. See the options using:

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin delete_tokens --help

Administrative commands


Delete expired resources

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin delete_expired

The debusine-server package installs a systemd timer to run this command daily.


Perform regular maintenance on Debusine’s storage.

$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin vacuum_storage

The debusine-server package installs a systemd timer to run this command daily.