Task statistics

We store meta-data about previous runs of various tasks. Runtime data of former runs can be used to:

  • select a powerful worker when the task is resource hungry (or the opposite)

  • decide whether a failure is fatal based on the existence of previous successful runs

  • etc.

Output data

The WorkRequest model has a JSON field named output_data, set upon completion of the work request. The values are provided by the worker.

Its structure is as follows:

  • runtime_statistics: see RuntimeStatistics model below.

  • errors: a list of errors. Each error is a dictionary with the following keys:

    • message: user-friendly error message

    • code: computer-friendly error code


    Typically used to return validation/configuration errors to the user that resulted in the task not being run at all. Other additional keys might be set depending on the error code.

    This errors key is not required for the design that we are doing here, but it explains why I opted to create an output_data field instead of a runtime_statistics field. See #432 for a related issue that we could fix with this.

RuntimeStatistics model

The model combines runtime data about the task itself:

  • duration (optional, integer): the runtime duration of the task in seconds

  • cpu_time (optional, integer): the amount of CPU time used in seconds (combining user and system CPU time)

  • disk_space (optional, integer): the maximum disk space used during the task’s execution (in bytes)

  • memory (optional, integer): the maximum amount of RAM used during the task’s execution (in bytes)

But also some data about the worker to help analyze the values and/or to provide reference data in the case of missing runtime data:

  • available_disk_space (optional, integer): the available disk space when the task started (in bytes, may be rounded)

  • available_memory (optional, integer): the amount of RAM that was available when the task started (in bytes, may be rounded)

  • cpu_count (optional, integer): the number of CPU cores on the worker that ran the task

Open question: how and where to use the statistics

In theory, the statistics might only be available when the task becomes pending when we have the final result for compute_dynamic_data() and the guarantee to have values for subject/context.

If we want to use those statistics to tweak the configuration of the work request (i.e. adding new worker requirements), then it needs some careful coordination between the scheduler and the workflow.

In practice, many workflows will know the subject/context values by advance and can possibly configure the work request at creation time.