Configure and manage a worker

After having set up a new worker, you might want to configure its static metadata with debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata to alter its behaviour in different ways, as presented in this page.


The examples below always configure only one single aspect and use a non-interactive method that overwrites all worker’s metadata. In practice you will often combine different metadata: you can do that either interactively in the text editor that is spawned by debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata or you need to provide a YAML file combining the different keys if you use the non-interactive approach shown in the examples.

Configure the accepted tasks

With an allow list

You can restrict the list of tasks that are allowed to run on the worker by providing a list of task names in the tasks_allowlist metadata:

$ cat > /tmp/metadata <<END
- sbuild
- lintian
$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata \
  debusine-internal --set /tmp/metadata


Task names are lowercased compared to the names shown in the tasks reference list.

With a deny list

You can allow all tasks except a few exceptions by providing the list of forbidden tasks in the tasks_denylist metadata.

$ cat > /tmp/metadata <<END
- sbuild
- simplesystemimagebuild
$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata \
  debusine-internal --set /tmp/metadata

Configure the list of compatible architectures

For tasks that have architecture requirements, by default, a worker will only run those which are corresponding to its host architecture. But if the worker is compatible with other architectures, it is possible to document the list of compatible architectures in its system:architectures metadata key.

$ cat > /tmp/metadata <<END
- amd64
- i386
$ sudo -u debusine-server debusine-admin edit_worker_metadata \
  debusine-internal --set /tmp/metadata

Most typical installations will use the following lists:

  • amd64 workers will have system:architectures: ['amd64', 'i386']

  • arm64 workers will have system:architectures: ['arm64', 'armhf', 'armel']