Sbuild task

Regarding inputs, the sbuild task is compatible with the ontology defined for Task PackageBuild even though it implements only a subset of the possible options at this time.

Currently unsupported PackageBuild task keys:

  • build_architecture

  • build_options

  • build_path

Output artifacts and relationships:

  1. debian:package-build-log: sbuild output

    • relates-to: source_artifact

    • relates-to: b, c

  2. debian:binary-package: one for each binary package (*.deb) built from the source package

    • relates-to: source_artifact

  3. debian:binary-packages: the binary packages (*.deb) built from the source package, grouped into a single artifact

    • relates-to: source_artifact

  4. debian:upload: c plus the right administrative files (.changes, .buildinfo) necessary for its binary upload

    • extends: b, c

    • relates-to: b, c

  5. debusine:signing-input: the .changes file ready for signing if required

    • relates-to: d

  6. debusine:work-request-debug-logs: debusine-specific worker logs

    • relates-to: source_artifact