TODO to fix in the documentation


Another possible idea is to use collections for the output of each task, either automatically or via a parameter to the task.

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Document (and possibly fix) what happens when workers are restarted while running a task.

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We should have a simpler way to manage signing keys: perhaps they should be stored in artifacts and referenced using lookups.

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Add new explanation pages to cover:

  • architecture (server, worker, client)

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Add new reference pages to cover:

  • debusine-client configuration file

  • debusine-server configuration file

  • debusine-worker configuration file

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The definition of this category is not yet fully agreed. We’ll revisit it when we’re closer to being able to try out an implementation so that we can see how the lookup mechanisms will work.

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The whole expiration point needs some redesign, tracked in issue #346

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We’ll eventually need to deal with removing private keys from the signing service when they’re no longer referenced by anything in the debusine database, but it’s not clear exactly what the lifetime rules should be. See

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Specify how to configure keys to be used with a YubiKey.

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Add more precise details of how this is recorded.

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This will need additional parameters once we start supporting HSMs.

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Consider some of the steps that we expect to implement and double check that they can be implemented in such a framework.

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architectures should be optional, but discovering the available architectures without having to implement delicate GPG verification code ourselves is hard; see message #49 in #848194.

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Document exactly how transactional updates of collections work in general: tasks need to see a coherent state, and simple updates to collections can be done in a database transaction, but some longer update tasks where using a single database transaction is impractical may need more careful handling. See discussion in !517.

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