Workflow autopkgtest

This workflow schedules autopkgtests for a single source package on a set of architectures.

  • task_data:

    • prefix (string, optional): prefix this string to the item names provided in the internal collection

    • source_artifact (Single lookup, required): see Autopkgtest task

    • binary_artifacts (Multiple lookup, required): see Autopkgtest task

    • context_artifacts (Multiple lookup, optional): see Autopkgtest task

    • vendor (string, required): the distribution vendor on which to run tests

    • codename (string, required): the distribution codename on which to run tests

    • backend (string, optional): see Autopkgtest task

    • extra_repositories (optional): see Autopkgtest task

    • architectures (list of strings, optional): if set, only run on any of these architecture names

    • arch_all_host_architecture (string, defaults to amd64): concrete architecture on which to run tasks for Architecture: all packages

    • include_tests, exclude_tests, debug_level, extra_environment, needs_internet, fail_on, timeout: see Autopkgtest task

Tests will be run on the intersection of the provided list of architectures (if any) and the architectures provided in binary_artifacts. If only Architecture: all binary packages are provided in binary_artifacts, then tests are run on {arch_all_host_architecture}.

The workflow creates an Autopkgtest task for each concrete architecture, with task data:

  • input.source_artifact: {source_artifact}

  • input.binary_artifacts: the subset of {binary_artifacts} that are for the concrete architecture or all

  • input.context_artifacts: the subset of {context_artifacts} that are for the concrete architecture or all

  • host_architecture: the concrete architecture

  • environment: {vendor}/match:codename={codename}

  • backend: {backend}

  • include_tests, exclude_tests, debug_level, extra_environment, needs_internet, fail_on, timeout: copied from workflow task data parameters of the same names

Any of the lookups in input.source_artifact, input.binary_artifacts, or input.context_artifacts may result in promises, and in that case the workflow adds corresponding dependencies. Binary promises must include an architecture field in their data.

Each work request provides its debian:autopkgtest artifact as output in the internal collection, using the item name {prefix}autopkgtest-{architecture}.


It would be useful to have a mechanism to control multiarch tests, such as testing i386 packages on an amd64 testbed.