Workflow package_upload

This workflow signs and uploads source and/or binary packages to an upload queue. It is normally expected to be used as a sub-workflow.

  • task_data:

    • source_artifact (Single lookup, optional): a debian:source-package or debian:upload artifact representing the source package (the former is used when the workflow is started based on a .dsc rather than a .changes)

    • binary_artifacts (Multiple lookup, optional): a list of debian:upload artifacts representing the binary packages

    • merge_uploads (boolean, defaults to False): if True, merge the uploads and create a single PackageUpload task to upload them all together; if False, create a separate PackageUpload task for each upload

    • since_version (string, optional): passed to MakeSourcePackageUpload task if source_artifact is a debian:source-package

    • target_distribution (string, optional): passed to MakeSourcePackageUpload task if source_artifact is a debian:source-package

    • key (string, optional): the fingerprint to sign the upload with, which must have purpose openpgp

    • require_signature (boolean, defaults to True): whether the upload must be signed

    • target (required): the upload queue, as an ftp:// or sftp:// URL

    • delayed_days (integer, optional): the number of days to delay this upload; this assumes that the upload queue implements Debian’s convention of uploading delayed uploads to a DELAYED/{n}-day queue

    • vendor (string, optional): the distribution vendor to use for running MakeSourcePackageUpload task and MergeUploads task

    • codename (string, optional): the distribution codename to use for running MakeSourcePackageUpload task and MergeUploads task

At least one of source_artifact and binary_artifacts must be set.

The workflow creates the following tasks, each of which has a dependency on the previous one in sequence, using event reactions to store output in the workflow’s internal collection for use by later tasks:

  • if source_artifact is a debian:source-package artifact: a MakeSourcePackageUpload task (with since_version and target_distribution) to build a corresponding .changes file Uses vendor and codename to construct the environment lookup.

  • if merge_uploads is True and there is more than one source and/or binary artifact: a MergeUploads task to combine them into a single upload. Uses vendor and codename to construct the environment lookup.

  • for each upload (or for the single merged upload, if merging):

    • if key is provided: a Debsign task to have debusine sign the upload with the given key

    • if key is not provided and require_signature is True: an ExternalDebsign task to wait until a user provides a signature, which debusine will then include with the upload

    • a PackageUpload task, to upload the result to the given upload queue