Workflow update_environments

This workflow schedules work requests to build tarballs and images, and adds them to a debian:environments collection.

  • task_data:

    • vendor (required): the name of the distribution vendor, used to look up the target debian:environments collection

    • targets (required): a list of dictionaries as follows:

      • codenames (required): the codename of an environment to build, or a list of such codenames

      • codename_aliases (optional): a mapping from build codenames to lists of other codenames; if given, add the output to the target collection under the aliases in addition to the build codenames. For example, trixie: [testing]

      • variants (optional): an identifier to use as the variant name when adding the resulting artifacts to the target collection, or a list of such identifiers; if not given, the default is not to set a variant name

      • backends (optional): the name of the debusine backend to use when adding the resulting artifacts to the target collection, or a list of such names; if not given, the default is not to set a backend name

      • architectures (required): a list of architecture names of environments to build for this codename

      • mmdebstrap_template (optional): a template to use to construct data for the Mmdebstrap task

      • simplesystemimagebuild_template (optional): a template to use to construct data for the SimpleSystemImageBuild task

For each codename in each target, the workflow creates a group. Then, for each architecture in that target, it fills in whichever of mmdebstrap_template and simplesystemimagebuild_template that are present and uses them to construct child work requests. In each one, bootstrap_options.architecture is set to the target architecture, and bootstrap_repositories[].suite is set to the codename if it is not already set.

The workflow adds one event reaction to each child work request as follows for each combination of the codename (including any matching entries from codename_aliases), variant (variants, or [null] if missing/empty), and backend (backends, or [null] if missing/empty). {vendor} is the vendor from the workflow’s task data, and {category} is debian:system-tarball for mmdebstrap tasks and debian:system-image for simplesystemimagebuild tasks:

  - action: "update-collection-with-artifacts"
      category: "{category}"
    collection: "{vendor}@debian:environments"
      - codename: {codename}
      - variant: {variant}  # omit if null
      - backend: {backend}  # omit if null